Rectangular counter socket extension kit

6,90  6,21 

The Sistem Air rectangular counter socket extension kit allows you to correct situations where the backplate is recessed from the edge of the plaster.

Compatible with all series of Sistem Air vacuum outlets.

Installation Solutions for Irregular Wall Surfaces
There are specific situations where it’s necessary to correct the installation of the counter socket because it is recessed more than 12mm from the edge of the plaster. By using special extensions, depending on the defect to be corrected, it’s not necessary to restore the wall, but it’s possible to correctly connect the inlet valve to the counter socket, ensuring the tightness of the vacuum system.

Restoring the Support Point of the inlet valve
In the case where it’s necessary to restore the support point of the inlet valve on the wall, due to irregular plaster or an extended wall mark that does not allow for proper fixing, use the extension kit.

This allows you to extend the wall box in multiples of 1 cm without size limits.

The extension kits can be combined with each other until the desired measurement is reached.

Check out HERE how to install the counter sockets even in case of irregularities.

Weight 0,083 kg

Sistem Air

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