

PluriBrush is Sistem Air’s multifunctional single-brush.

It washes, grinds, polishes, and crystallizes, the goal of PluriBrush is to significantly facilitate and reduce cleaning times, while also lowering labor costs.

The PluriBrush mini single-brush was created due to the strong demand from cleaning companies who need equipment that can replace a large part of finishing, washing/de-waxing, or crystallization work in all those tighter spaces where previously only manual labor with tremendous effort and time was possible, where larger machines cannot operate.

Compared to traditional single-brushes on the market, Pluribrush weighs only 4.8kg and has a maneuverability that allows it to be used on floors, raised floors, or vertically thanks to its accessories such as the tank with or without a handle. The lack of weight is compensated by the speed of the brush or disc, so it is not necessary to exert pressure with the machine on floors or other surfaces, as it starts working and cleaning well as soon as it is placed.

The machine actually has a potentiometer that allows the operator to adjust the brush or traction disc speed from 0 to 470 rpm to their liking.

Whether private or commercial, pluribrush is the single-brush you won’t be able to live without.

Included with the single-brush:

  • 160mm diameter wash brush AC5100.10.19
  • 160mm diameter traction disc with velcro rubber AC5100.10.01

4,8 kg





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